Repairing of rollers and pistons

We repair damaged surfaces of rollers and hydraulic piston rods like:

Local metal coating

(selective electrochemical metal coating)

Used for:

Additive material:

Polishing and grinding head tool

We have developed a polishing and grinding head by which we can repair the surfaces of large rollers directly in the machine without the need for dismantling.


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Repairs of rollers

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For sale

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By clicking the “SEND” button, you agree to the processing of your personal data. This data will be used exclusively for contacting you back. We process data strictly according to the GDPR standard – Act No. 110/2019 Coll. on the processing of personal data. We undertake that the personal data entered by you will not be recorded anywhere in the long term, used for marketing purposes, or provided to third parties. In case of suspicion of misuse, please contact the administrator of personal data – the company ALFA CHROM servis s. r. o. via e-mail

Molds repairs and modifications

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By clicking the “SEND” button, you agree to the processing of your personal data. This data will be used exclusively for contacting you back. We process data strictly according to the GDPR standard – Act No. 110/2019 Coll. on the processing of personal data. We undertake that the personal data entered by you will not be recorded anywhere in the long term, used for marketing purposes, or provided to third parties. In case of suspicion of misuse, please contact the administrator of personal data – the company ALFA CHROM servis s. r. o. via e-mail


Čistící agregát chladících okruhů forem

Magnetická upínací koule NEOSPREHE